In the air for fall fashion there is a great sense of "Man meets nature and incorporates high tech for mankind and environment...and of course, fashion." - John Patrick, Organic
Fall fashion is always exciting, even for those not so into fashion. It's that time of year when summer is winding down and days are filled with a crisp breeze. Something in the air seems to stir us all into a a new state of mind, the time of harvest, the time of 'back to school', the time of raking leaves and kicking a ball around in the park. The time to dig into the back of your closet and pull out the dark jeans and sweaters. With it comes the overload of new clothes in the stores. Summer and winter fashion have their moments, but it always seems to be spring and fall that are the long-awaited premiers for what colors and trends will be in.
Flipping through a Glamour magazine, it states that fall will be such things as plaid, wide legs, fitted tops and dresses with flared edges (that babydoll look), substantial accessories (dark, black, thick, large), much more patterns (floral prints, etc.) and a bit of the 80's will reappear with large sweaters over tight leggings, which are still hanging in there in the fashion world.
What else? Organic is growing in strength everywhere you look. From food to household items to jeans now. One interesting up and coming brand is Tierra del Forte, which makes their jeans from all organic cotton. You can view a video of it on my blog as well :).
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