Ever felt that way about checking out? Your heart starts racing and you wonder if you're money will be tossed into the deep black hole of the Internet, or if your purchase will ever find its way from your mouse to your doorstep.
I have been a member on eBay for exactly 4 years now. It's funny to think that in those 4 years, my shopping habits have changed completely because of it. As I look through my house, my closet, even my car...I find traces everywhere of things I've bought online. I wasn't always so at ease about shopping online though.
Can you remember the days when no one had a cell phone? Perhaps you may be too young to remember. But the fact is, we went from not needing it at all, to absolutely breaking down and having a heart attack when we are without one. That is basically how my personal experience with online shopping evolved.
How could I ever afford a pair of nice designer jeans, or even a couple pairs of small chain store jeans like Abercrombie or American Eagle without the Internet? The answer is I couldn't. But my closet is full of designer jeans, boots, jackets...come to think of it, about 90% of my closet arrived in a USPS package from a click of my mouse. Incredible? I have to say yes.
The Internet can be a little daunting to say the least. Most of my family and friends still do not take advantage of discount online shopping. Sure its fun (and safe) to go shopping at an actual mall or store, but I think it's more fun to save money. Nowadays I go window shopping and then pick up my items on Amazon or eBay for much less cost. Couldn't ask for more!
One of my favorite 'eBay stories' is when I broke a special soap dish my mother gave me when I was 6, many long years ago (I won't say how many), BUT, guess what? Someone was selling it on eBay! The wonderful thing about online shopping is that there is no 'geographical disadvantage'. There may not be a Saks off 5th where I live, but there it is on my computer screen, and that is the wondrous thing about online shopping.
Maybe you haven't given online shopping much of a chance. My mother still warns me to this day about scams taking your bank accounts and all your money. Trust and the Internet are still two words that seldom go hand in hand. However, if you use it in the right way and do a little research there is nothing to worry about. I have lost money on eBay, but I have learned, and now I am here to pass along that knowledge so that your Internet shopping can be as painless and joyful as possible! All my links to the side of each blog contain all trustworthy denim sellers on eBay. I will soon be adding the trustworthy online stores as well (apart from eBay)! So sit back and find yourself some deals!!
Haven't joined the eBay shopaholics like me yet? It's pretty simple (and free of course). This is all you have to do (just try not to get too frustrated when your 'user name' is already 'taken' for the 100th time!)...
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