So what about measuring? Do jeans really have to be this complicated? Well... when you are paying $200 plus for that perfect fit, you better believe it! Or atleast, let's just say, it's worth your time and money to understand how to measure your own jeans and decipher other measurements.
I want to make a video of this soon, but for now I will do my best to describe how to go about measuring and reading measurements through some definitions and images (with my 7 for all Mankind Flynt Caribbean jeans serving as the model)! :)
The rules and definitions of measuring:
Waist: This seems to be the most confused of all measurements because there are multiple ways to go about this. There is the aligned version, unaligned version, doubling of those versions, and the 'wrap around' version. Unaligned is the most common, least confusing, and thus the most accurate version. However, having both aligned and unaligned is the MOST accurate of all.
Aligned is when you pull up all edges of the waist so that they are 'aligned', and measure straight across. This will be a larger number than the unaligned measurement.
Unaligned is when you simply measure straight across the top of the waist (basically the inner side of the back waist band). This will be an inch or so less than the aligned number.
Doubling is when people take the aligned or unaligned measurement and 'double' it (14x2=28) and give that as the waist measurement. This is not really preferable, but many do this.
The 'wrap around', for lack of better simply trying to wrap your tape measurer around the entire waist to measure it. This method is difficult and not suggested or commonly used.
Hips: Hips are typically measured at the base of the zipper (where the visual end of the zipper is on the outside, ie, seams and stitches wrapping around the zipper area). Also it can be roughly considered 3" from the crotch, but most typically it is just taken from the zipper base. From the zipper base, you measure straight across from fabric end to fabric end. NOT seam to seam, unless you specifically note that, because this will take off an inch or two. Just go all the way to the edge of the jean, regardless of where the front and back fabric join on the side seams.
Rise: The rise is the least confusing. Simply measure from crotch (where all leg stitching meets) to the top (the front side of the waistband). Back rise is the same.
Thigh: This is taken from the crotch to the outer edge of the leg. It can also be taken midway between this area and the knee for yet another number if needed, but not necessary.
Knee: This is semi-tricky because you will have to gadge it for yourself. This is the thinnest point in the leg. Roughly midway, but that can vary depending on whethere the jean has been shortened from tailoring/hemming or not.
Leg Opening: This is either done straight across the bottom of the leg, wrapped around the bottom of the leg, or straight across and doubled. So in some instances you may see a measurement of 9", in other instances, 18" when its doubled or wrapped.
Inseam: This is taken simply from the crotch to the end of the leg. There is some discrepency on where the exact middle of the crotch is, since its slightly off center, but unless you are buying a pair that will be too short if its .2" inches off, this is not a concern.
These descriptions are how measurements are standardly taken. And these are usually how most companies and individual sellers (eBay, forums, etc) measure as well.
Measure away! :)
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