There's the 'pear', the 'apple' the 'square'. And then there's the curvy and the boy-ish figure, the short and the tall, the thin, the athletic. After looking at many guides I have come to one simple realization. None of us fit into just one of these standards. Or two. Maybe three at the least. What is most frustrating is that many guides will assume that if you have a certain 'shape' your height and everything else will be a certain way- and this is just not so. That is why I am formulating a new guide that should be more helpful for targeting every need in a clear and comprehensive manner!
This ultra-condensed guide will finally allow you to find your VARIOUS body 'types' and 'issues', and actually find out exactly what will work best for you! No more guessing! :)
I will be posting one section a day until it is all posted!
The Athlete Issue
You may have a well-toned body, but you are looking to minimize the size of thighs or calves under your jeans. All of us experience thigh-tight jeans at some point, and it transforms your legs into a pre-packeged denim sausage waiting for a bun and some mustard to go on top. But, this problem is absolutely fixable!
•Pockets: Find pockets that sit rather center, ending just where the butt begins or just below it, but never too low or too high. This also will help create balance.
•Cut: Minimizing can actually be accomplished by finding jeans that have an out-seam that is slightly forward from center (center being the outer side of your leg in this case). This means you can see the side seams when looking straight-on at the jeans, and this will give the illusion of smaller thighs. Jeans which fit neither too loose or too tight also are best for creating a balanced look. Try a boot-cut with a slight flare which breaks nicely from the knee straight down to the floor (this will also give better balance to your legs). True Religion is just one brand that brings their out-seams forward, and there are many brand options as far as finding a nice flared boot-cut (most all of them).
•Rise: very applicable to this particular area, it is dependent on other issues. Check your other areas of concern on this list to see what may be best for you. However, a very high rise will not be flattering because it can appear unbalanced.
•Wash: Medium to dark denim will help bring more illusion of proportion than will light.
•Stretch or Rigid?: Jeans with stretch will be far more comfortable than rigid, because rigid can tend to squeeze muscular areas and be too loose in smaller areas. A nice balance such as 98% cotton, 2% stretch is best (too much stretch is unflattering, unbalancing and non-supportive).
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