There's the 'pear', the 'apple' the 'square'. And then there's the curvy and the boy-ish figure, the short and the tall, the thin, the athletic. After looking at many guides I have come to one simple realization. None of us fit into just one of these standards. Or two. Maybe three at the least. What is most frustrating is that many guides will assume that if you have a certain 'shape' your height and everything else will be a certain way- and this is just not so. That is why I am formulating a new guide that should be more helpful for targeting every need in a clear and comprehensive manner!
This ultra-condensed guide will finally allow you to find your VARIOUS body 'types' and 'issues', and actually find out exactly what will work best for you! No more guessing! :)
I will be posting one section a day until it is all posted!
The ‘Ghetto-Booty’
In other words, the well-rounded rear. Typically you want to accentuate this feature nicely, neither playing it up or down too much. This can be difficult, because many jeans have a small hip-to-waist ratio. This means that you can either find jeans that fit nice and snug on your waist, but it balloons out on your hips and thighs, or you can find jeans that fit nicely around your hips and rear, but gapes at your waist.
•Pockets: Simple pockets are more flattering than pockets which are heavily detailed or have bulky flaps, which only add more volume. Make sure they are well centered and avoid large and tiny pockets- in other words, an average size pocket will be best. Pockets with a slight angle can give you more boost if you want some. Be sure when you are getting a pair of trousers, that the pockets are centered and not too high up on the back, this is much more flattering (otherwise it will look disproportionate and a little like your rear is sagging unless you have a very perky rear).
•Cut: Contoured waistbands and jeans with a mid-rise (around 7-8.5ish inches) are very flattering because their hip-to-waist ratio is much better. Jeans that have a slightly flared boot-cut are very flattering, as are wide-leg/trouser cut jeans. Both cuts will create a nice line from the hip to the floor, and bring more balance to your rear and legs.
•Rise: Again, a higher rise back and a lower rise front will be your best friend. Most jeans have this, but some accentuate it (Grass Jeans make an amazing contour-waist jean). Avoid very high rises which will make your rear seem to grow even more in size.
•Wash:Unless you are trying to play-up your roundness, avoid jeans with excess fading in the seat area especially. If you are looking to appear slimmer, dark washes will flatter you best.
•Stretch or Rigid?: Both can be very flattering, be sure that the hip to waist ratio is constructed well if the jeans are rigid, otherwise it will flatten/squeeze your rear or bag out on your rear.
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