There's the 'pear', the 'apple' the 'square'. And then there's the curvy and the boy-ish figure, the short and the tall, the thin, the athletic. After looking at many guides I have come to one simple realization. None of us fit into just one of these standards. Or two. Maybe three at the least. What is most frustrating is that many guides will assume that if you have a certain 'shape' your height and everything else will be a certain way- and this is just not so. That is why I am formulating a new guide that should be more helpful for targeting every need in a clear and comprehensive manner!
This ultra-condensed guide will finally allow you to find your VARIOUS body 'types' and 'issues', and actually find out exactly what will work best for you! No more guessing! :)
I will be posting one section a day until it is all posted!
Skinny/Thin Legs
Chances are, the flamingoes have it worse, but if you're still concerned about your legs looking too thin (on their own, or in jeans), then you may find some helpful tips below! If you are looking to magnify skinny legs, loose jeans will do the job. Contrary to what one may think, skinny jeans will actually help create more body and shape for your thin legs!
•Pockets: Try to avoid very large pockets, which will not balance well with thin legs.
•Cut: Skinny jeans will actually help create more body (basically tricking the eye to ‘see’ more leg per ounce of jean). Jeans which hug your calves are perfect for adding more body and shape (and balance). Also flattering is any jean which is tight along the hips and thighs and then draws a nice straight line to the floor (such as bootcut, flared bootcuts, or trousers). Jeans that are loose in the thigh/upper leg is a definite no-no, this will really drown your legs.
•Rise: Not applicable to this particular area, it is dependent on other issues. Check your other areas of concern on this list to see what may be best for you.
•Wash: The lighter the wash, the more body you will appear to have, so use this to your advantage if that is what you are looking for!
•Stretch or Rigid?: Stretch will be best if you are buying skinny or straight jeans, and rigid will help if its more of a bootcut, since the fabric has more ‘shape’ and therefore will make your legs appear less skinny than a loose pair of stretch jeans will.
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