Ever notice how far ahead fashion seasons are from real seasons? Spring clothes are put on display in stores now in february, fall clothes in July... even when you go to the grocery store you can find the Christmas isle cleared out and Valentines stuff being stocked at the end of December. The world of marketing and fashion moves fast, and is wayyyy ahead of everyone else. There are fashion design teams that are already choosing what colors and textures will be 'in' for years (not months) into the future. Crazy huh?
7 for all Mankind and Rock and Republic have both released their ad/print campaigns for this fall/winter...and both are actually carrying shoes and bags now. Rock & Republic is also planning to launch a makeup line in the spring of 2008. And you thought you were already spending enough on jeans! Look out!
Compliments to 2Venus of HF for compiling these wonderful shots
Select runway shots:
Credit where credit is due! These images are from ROCK & REPUBLIC who probably got them off of WireImage.com – The Largest Entertainment Photo & Video Archive. Wireimage has excellent coverage of their runway show, but you'll need to pay for the high-res pics (WireImage.com รข€“ The Largest Entertainment Photo & Video Archive

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